A Community Inspired: New Re-Entry & Community Collaboration Program First Graduation Held in Severn

The all new Re-Entry & Community Collaboration Program established by the Anne Arundel County Police Department held its very first graduation class in Severn. 

On September 24, 2021, nearly a half dozen people graduated and received certificates of completion during the inspiring event at Severn Covenant Church. 

According to managers of the program, the goal is to assist in providing a holistic approach to help Anne Arundel County residents re-entering the community, especially people that are formerly incarcerated, veterans, and those at risk of being justice-involved. "The mission is to equip participants with marketable skill sets to foster career opportunities and attain stability in the community," an announcement said.  "The Anne Arundel County Police Department is committed to Community Policing. The Re-Entry Collaboration Program is another part of our quest to serve our residents."

The program offers a multitude of services, including but not limited to the following:

24/7 Re-entry Support
GED Preparation
Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment
Health & Wellness
Job Search & Training
Anger Management
Military Service Benefits
Mental Health Counseling

The next class is expected to graduate in January.
