Dr. Proinnsias O'Croinin, Longtime Anne Arundel County Pediatrician, Dies at 85

Dr. Proinnsias "Frank" O'Croinin, a longtime Pediatrician in Anne Arundel County, has died.  He was 85 years old.  

Dr. O'Croinin died of congestive heart failure at an area hoapital on March 18, 2023, according to an online obituary.  He had been a fixture in the local medical community for over 60 years.   

Born in Ireland,  Dr. O'Croinin arrived in Baltimore on January 9, 1965 and became a pediatric resident at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the obituary said.  "Dr. O’Croinin left Johns Hopkins in 1968 for a position at Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo. After returning for a two-year fellowship at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. O’Croinin moved to Anne Arundel County in 1974 to begin a practice that would span more than 40 years. Following time as a solo practitioner, he joined the Pediatric Group in 1989 and later helped to form what was then known as Nighttime Pediatrics."

His longtime colleague, Robert Graw, Jr., explained that Dr. O’Croinin was “completely committed to medicine, his patients, and the other physicians in the community.” Known for always having a joke ready, he employed his Irish humor to ease tensions and lighten the nerves of concerned parents and patients.

Dr. O’Croinin also served in the US Armed Forces as a flight surgeon in the Maryland Air National Guard after first enlisting as an officer in 1969. He eventually rose to the position of State Air Surgeon before retiring in 2004 as a Colonel. 

*The following schedule of events was posted inside the online obituary:  lastingtributesfuneralcare.com
