Puff, Puff, Pass? Recreational Marijuana Laws Go Into Effect Across Maryland

New laws that make recreational marijuana legal in Maryland take effect today.  

As of Saturday, July 1, it is now legal to possess, consume and grow marijuana for any person over the age of 21 with a valid ID.  Up to 1.5 ounces of cannibis flower can be purchased from approved dispenseries without the need for a medical marijuana card.  

State officials have developed materials for adults who choose to consume to "Be Informed, Be Responsible and Be Safe." "Cannabis and driving don't mix, it should always be kept locked and away from children and pets, and smoking is not allowed anywhere in public- both indoors and outdoors."

Attorney General Anthony G. Brown issued the following the statement on the legalization of recreational cannabis sales for adult use in Maryland today:

“Today, Maryland takes a significant step forward in rectifying past injustices. In legalizing cannabis, we are abandoning a failed criminal justice policy that perpetuated the over-policing, over-arrest, and overincarceration of too many Marylanders, particularly Black and brown people.

“Marylanders overwhelmingly support this initiative, and it's my commitment to honor the will of the people. The cannabis industry that we stand up today must be rooted in fairness and equity. This means expunging the records of those targeted in the enforcement of cannabis laws, ensuring fair and equitable access to cannabis licensing and other business opportunities, and empowering disproportionately impacted communities through reinvestment.

“We must work together to help rectify the wrongs of the past and pave the way for a more just and prosperous future for all Marylanders.”

Click the following links for more information:  

For help finding a dispensary near you, go to:
